Monteseel Conservancy holds events during the year to raise much needed funds to keep the area as beautiful as possible. We try very hard with a handful of us working and monitoring the pristine and endangered KZN Sandstone Sour veld Grasslands. We are passionate about the conservation of the land and the animals and plant life on it.
This all costs money to keep a person trained and working on the land.
Our main income comes from our events. We organise an Annual Music Fest and over the last 9 years it has grown in momentum from our humble beginnings. Now people look forward to this event each year.
We need all the support we can get, so if you would like to support us in any way, please use the details below.
Should you wish to deposit into our bank account, here are the details:
Monteseel Conservancy
Branch Code 198765
Account Number 9023364409