These are some of our partners that have helped us get to where the Monteseel Conservancy is today, with guidance and input along the way.

Biodiversity Management Department (BMD)
Since 2012, Biodiversity Management Department have had a huge impact on Monteseel conservation. Zodwa and her team have given guidance to the Monteseel Conservancy team and we have worked together on problem areas where they have tried different approaches to their usual to accommodate the unique issues in our area. We could not have done this without them.

Simon Maphumula
Simon from Msenge Environmental Lanscapes is very active in the neighbouring KwaXimba Conservancy and we often use his expertise when planning and executing with some of our projects.
These are some of our sponsors that have had a great impact in our growth as a community.
We have been fortunate enough to experience the ongoing kindness of many in and around our community over the years that we have been in operation. Many people have given donations and we are very grateful for all the help that we receive and we thank you.
We would like to thank Heidi from BrightBlue Photography for the beautiful Home page banner pictures provided. Find Heidi on Facebook.
Rob Black has also provided some stunning raptor photos, taken by him, in Monteseel.