The Monteseel Community Watch consists of a group of Monteseel residents who are involved in our Community, which includes concerns relating to our Security, Nature Conservation and General issues. A meeting is held every two months and notice is given via email and WhatsApp groups. Supporting the Monteseel Community Watch not only gives us a voice with SAPS, but by attending meetings also affords you a great opportunity to meet other members residents of Monteseel which can be a great help in the event of an emergency. Residents are required to have their properties clearly sign posted. Please put Lot & House numbers on your gates for easy identification of your property in an emergency.

Our administration fee is R400 per annum (1st January to 31st December) and we further rely on fundraisers, sponsorship and donations from within our community. Funds are utilised towards costs for the purchase/maintenance of our CCTV cameras, security related purchases, fire beaters, printing, phone calls, community projects and conservation of our beautiful environment, etc.

Please note that Tenants need to apply independently as members.

Monteseel Community Watch WhatsApp Group:

As this group is for Fire and Security related matters only, it is vital to keep the posts pertaining to Security and immediate emergencies.

Acceptable posts include:

Suspicious people – location and brief description.

Suspicious vehicles – location, description and registration of vehicle.

Trespassing – location and description.

Vandalism – location and description.

Fires- location and photo if possible.

Illegal Dumping – location, description and registration of vehicle.

No chatting, smiley faces, thumbs up, thanks you’s, well done’s or lost/stray dogs. Unless you are in a position to shed light on or add value to a security related post.

In the event of Barking Dogs communicate with your neighbours to establish whether a possible threat exists. Only if a threat exists may you post a message on the Monteseel Community Watch WhatsApp Group.

No religious, sexist, racist, fighting or any other defamatory posts will be tolerated.

Monteseel Community Watch Committee

Our committee consists of 13 volunteers/residents. We as a committee are delighted to welcome you not only to our beautiful Monteseel, but as a value added member to our community.

Kind Regards

The Monteseel Community Watch Committee

Rob Moxey
Cell: 082 844 1907
Marlene Powell
(Vice Chairman)
Cell: 083 479 4471

Emergency Numbers
Inchanga SAPS : 031 783 4770 / 031 783 4682 / 031 783 4441 (Includes Dog Hunting)
SACAN : 0861 672 226
Fire Department : 031 361 0000
Community Paramedical Response 24hr Emergency Number : 071 133 4455